TSA Orientation 2024: What to Expect & How to Ace It

After passing the TSA CBT Test and completing the entire TSA screening process, you have progressed to the TSA Orientation stage.

While you might be technically considered employed, it is still necessary to pass both stages 1 and 2 (more on them later on), so you can start working, so hang in there – you don’t leave the job yet.

To understand more about your time in the TSA Orientation and what to expect, you might want to keep reading.

Prepare for the TSA English and X-Ray exams using our free sample questions.

How Lengthy Is the TSA Orientation?

The length of the orientation varies. Fresh recruits reported two days, while some said the length extended to 4 days.

In any case, it is certain without a doubt that TSA orientation is necessary to attend so you can carry on with the other steps. In addition, the following will be required from you:

Filled out Federal forms. OF-306 form is also a must to fill
Participation in interactive sessions for new employees
Provision of necessary employment proof documentation
Contribution to extracurricular activities

After going through all of these steps, you’ll be placed at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) to finish with the rest of the training.

You’re Attending TSO Orientation. Now What?

One of the tasks at the TSA orientation to cross from the checklist would be to attend a segment, “A Day in the Life”. Here a current serving TSO officer will talk about their life in one day at the academy.

They will talk and give insights on what motivates them to get through the day, their day-to-day schedule at work, and problems associated with X-ray machines. Officers will also discuss all the best ways a senior officer teams up with other employees and management. They will walk you through how their mentor teaching helps them to keep working.

Also, the speeches are for everyone’s benefit so listen to them effectively. Once you’re done with the segment, you’ll continue with the hiring process by serving 2-weeks BTP at the TSA Academy, this time at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers located in Glynco, GA.

Will I Get Paid for Transportation Security Orientation?

Orientation and the onboarding process are essential components of the training. As mentioned before, you’ll be given an allowance for this.

However, the actual payment will only be made unless it is confirmed that you’re officially recruited after the process ends.

Moreover, some instances were reported where fresh recruits got terminated on the very first day for nodding off during the class.

Therefore, you must be well-rested the day before so you can focus on what’s being discussed in the class. You can also anticipate some tough informative sessions in the coming weeks, so be certain that you’re prepared.

What Do I Wear to Class?

As the hiring process begins and you’re sent an invitation to attend the orientation, you’ll get an email from the academy that’ll discuss the dress code. The designated dress becomes effective from the very first day.

Failing to do so will have its consequences so you must dress as stated.
As for the ladies, the snippet of the email says, “Orientation Day is business casual, including a white dress shirt, black pants, and black closed-toe shoes.” This implies that dresses or skirts are not encouraged for women.

What About the TSA Orientation Test?

Whatever has been taught during orientation will be asked during the test. The test is really simple as you only have to pay attention to what’s being said. The examiner will walk you through the test, so just relax, focus on the contents, and you’ll do great. The test is only 10-minutes long.

What’s Different About TSA’s New Training Facility?

All hiring processes and orientations are conducted by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers Glynco campus located in GA. It’s safe to say, we can call TSA an “orientation college”.

TSA Orientation College is located in Florida, midway between Georgia, Savannah, and Jacksonville.

The town where FLETC is, Glynco campus, Georgia, has a zip code of 31524. The Glynco campus is positioned near the northwestern side of Brunswick, also in Georgia.

It’s also newsworthy that TSA has built new facilities. This has never happened before in 20 years. This includes well-equipped classrooms, state-of-the-art labs, lavish dorms, and dining halls.

The state-of-the-art lab has amazing tech and is comprised of the following structures:

  • 18 firearms shooting ranges, bomb and explosives range.
  • Advanced indoor range complex with 146 separate firing points.
  • Eight highly versatile semi-enclosed ranges with 200 additional firing points.
  • Fully functional mock exit and entry system.
  • Numerous video rooms to demonstrate practical training.
  • Extra structures include a library and mock courtrooms fully equipped with gymnasiums and criminological labs.

Two Stages of Training:

Your training will be divided into two parts:

  1. The first phase focuses textbook knowledge and fundamental primary skills in a classroom setting. This will include lectures, homework assignments, and group discussions with audio and visual aids.
  2. The second phase will be more hands on with simulations on X-ray machines, training with explosives and weaponry, learning operation procedures, and learning how to use the full array of gear needed for the job.

    Both stages one and two demand a minimum passing score of 70%, of course, you want to ensure that you score much higher to outshine the competition.

What’s Required in Pre-orientation Documentation?

Before attending the orientation, fill out the following required documentation:
Declaration for Federal Employment Form (OF-306)

  • Employment Eligibility Verification Form (Form I-9).
  • OGE Form 450 or OGE Form 278 (if relevant).
  • Employment eligibility verification documentation and valid citizenship papers.

What Can I Expect After Orientation?

Congrats! You did it! You have completed the orientation process and will likely move forward with the next step in the hiring process. After which, you’ll reach the Glynco grounds of Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC).

You’ll spend 14 days there learning different courses, studying, participating in different physical training exercises, working on your body composition, etc.

Don’t forget about the grades. You should keep a base score of 70% in both stages or else you’ll drop out. Put in the effort and push all the way through the process.

Again, complete the training, finish the hiring process and rightfully attain the job you worked so hard for.